INFO: was born in 1988, Belarus. 2012 graduated from Belarusian National Technical University, faculty of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship; major: Business-administration. 2013 worked in digital agency TDI Group. Have been living in Asia since 2014. 2014-2018 was in the fashion industry. 2017 moved to Bali. Since 2019 jump in real estate. 2020 established development company «ÂME development», Bali Indonesia.
Has the superior skills, experience, resource power, and to provide pricing, build and supply projects on time and within budget, for an extraordinary project that will change your life.
Our team members and our Core Values are key to everything we build, so we strive to hire the best people in the business. Start to build your future with us!
We are here to high-quality construction and you can rest assured that «ÂME Development»