At ÂME Development Group this process includes market research, marketing, project team recruitment, architectural / engineering design, building permit, tender, discussed with the customer, construction, financing, tax management, accounting services, facility management, and its infrastructure.
Search and analysis of a land plot for the construction of a real estate project is the most important step before you start to build any real estate project. Success in the rental business depends on how and where this land area is supposed to be used. We make marketing research in order to define the possibility of building an object in a given location.
Land Search
At ÂME Development, effective teamwork is one of the most important things in development. We are ready to offer the best-skilled professionals in architecture and design. Each project is accompanied and monitored at all stages of design, construction, and commissioning. We consider the wishes of our clients and help in organizing a "flexible" architecture, we respect others' opinions. The effectiveness of a team is a result not only of those people who are part of it, more important is how people cooperate.
ÂME development group develops internal Research and Development in the field of modern technologies, new flexible manufacturing, digital methods of real estate management. We attract the best construction companies. In the long-term plans, the company aims to strengthen its leadership position in terms of construction quality and reputation among customers.
ÂME Development Group has large experience in preparing sales and purchase agreements or rent for different types of real estate in Bali. We will help in the selection of a buy or rent property so that investments aimed at purchasing real estate will pay off faster and begin to generate profit. We also help to purchase quality real estate for self-use. Our lawyers will help you to enter into a contract arrangement with the most successful terms, a discount, or an installment sale agreement.
Property Sales
If you are a happy property owner, we will be happy to help with the organization of your business, you don't have to do it by yourself. There is a simpler and more civilized choice - commercial property handover for the management of a professional team. Our main goal is to provide our clients with a stable profit and competently manage, supply, and serve the management objects.
ÂME development group is your safe partner in search of investment attractive real estate objects. With us, you save money and time. But most importantly, you get confidence and peace of mind - your real estate is handled by professionals who have received international recognition. We will help you to find an effective way which is best for you.
The real estate consulting service from ÂME development group is a detailed development of a project growth strategy. Our clients receive a number of important benefits through quality planning and analysis:

- minimization of project risks;
- increase in financial indicators;
- ensuring the competitiveness of the project in the market.

The main advantage of the ÂME development group is its narrow specialization in each market and the presence of experts in all its segments. A variety of areas of analytical and expert activity allows us to provide a wide range of services that maximally meet the needs of clients.
Feature Properties
With beautiful stunning, unique design with top collaborators
in up and coming areas with strong growth potential